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Friday, Mar 21, 2014
Very well done! I really, really liked "Lord Have Mercy"! Keep up His good work!
from 'How To Avoid Art' band on ReverbNation

Friday, Mar 21, 2014
fantastic music great sound/ style/vocs well done thanks for the support right back at ya jeff c/o THE TIMMYYZZZ

Friday, Jan 10. 2014
Absolutely outstanding songs and vocals Dawn, you are a very gifted and talented artist, keep up the truly wonderful work, loving all of your beautiful tracks. Awesome! God Bless you! My very best wishes to you from England, Rob

Thursday, Nov 28, 2013
I had a listen and really enjoyed your music, arrangements and fab style..good stuff! your new friend dean..blessings and peace!
Dean Jablonski

Tuesday, Jul 2, 2013
Awesome Talent Dawn.. Wish you much success...Rick

July 23, 2013
It's So Easy..... what a very nice song.. and the beat keeps you wanting to listen to more..

May 13, 2013
Loving your great sounds Dawn!
Wishing you good luck all the best from Paul at www.paullyrics.com:)!

Mar 23, 2013
Thanks for the inspiration!

Nov 15 . 2013
Awesome lead guitar Dawn, admire your skills. Digging listen your guitar singing...

Oct 1, 2013
Just awesome, Sweet Dawn. Love it all ! "MYSTIC HAYS".......<3

Mar 14, 2013
Your a firecracker! :D
Randy Starnes

Jan 15, 2013
Howdy neighbor, Your passion is inspiring. Wade

May 6,2007
I went to see you perform several times on the San Antonio River Walk a few years back. It looks like you play in Austin, Texas more frequently than San Antonio. I can see why, because it is hard to find a place with good music, air to breathe, and opportunities to dance to music in San Antonio. Maybe I am overlooking something.
I want to be able to watch your schedule for future opportunities to hear you play.
You are one of the best performers whom I have had the privilege of hearing and meeting!
Take care,

posted: 10/13/06 16:53:26
Dawn Rocks! Her original music is beautiful and she is quite a lyricist! She can channel great muscians like no other. I especially like her covers of Patsy Cline, Janis Joplin and Bonnie Raitt. That list just begins to get at her versatility! See her any chance you get for an evening well spent.
March 10, 2005
Hi Dawn, Hope you remember me my name is Jose Salas. We met Saturday March 6th in San Antonio at Ritas. I was with Stacy. I mentioned that I work for FOX TV in Houston and every Friday they have a 2 hour segment during the early morning newscast called FOX ROCKS. I am still trying to get a hold of the young lady who handles the booking of the talent. As soon as I am able to talk with her I'll give her your card and hopefully I'll have a little more information for you. Let me say before Saturday I had only heard great things about you from Stacy. After seeing with my own eyes I have truly become a fan. I think your an amazing talent and an inspiration to everyone. I was also wondering if I could get a copy of the lyrics of a song u wrote "Two People"? I know Stacy requested it Saturday and I remember thinking it was such a great song. Also I was wondering how I could purchase a CD? Stacy bought the last one the other night.
Jose Salas

February 18,2005
Firstly, I really hope I have the right address, if I don't, I'm sorry. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed listening to you play on Saturday night. I play guitar myself and found you to be an inspiration. Your chord changes are amazing! Who are some of your inspirations? I'd have to say my biggest inspiration is Gerry Beckley and Dewey Bunnell of America, my favorite band.
You're extremely talented and I would love to hear you play again. Do you have a web site that tells where you will be performing next? If you get the chance, please let me know.
take care,
P. S. My fiance and I were down on the River walk for my birthday(We're from Houston) when we heard you playing "Stairway To Heaven"(Which you did beautifully) and were immediately drawn to you. It was really nice to be with him and listen to you, we both really love classic rock. In fact, we were the ones who were sitting directly in front of you, to your left. We were also the ones who requested Ob-La-Di,Ob-La-Da. Thank you for your contribution in making my birthday special!

November 20th 2004
Woman! You Rock!!!! My husband, Richard and I were in San Antone for our 4 year anniversary Nov 20th when we heard you singing my fav Janis Joplin. Lucky us! We sat down around 9:30 and stayed till closing because of your incredible talent! I don't know if you remember us but I was the one yelling WOOOOOHOOOOO after every song! I requested Black Magic Woman and some Creedence. You need to be on MTV, you have such an awesome stage presence and electrifying energy around you! We were talking about you for days afterward! My husband said he enjoyed your show better than any concert he has ever been to. We told your manager friend that we would be writing and we want to buy one of your CDs. Would you please sign it for us? Let us know how to purchase your CD. Do you have any other CDs? Please put us any newletter you may have so that we can see you again in San Antone next year or up here in Ft Worth Texas.
Andrea Kyle

October 12th 2004
Hey Sister, what's up this is Dee. Hey the blues bucket has a sunday night jam session at cabo loco in lago vista we start about 8:30 and we need musicans plz come out. Are you proud of me? I am growing in this thing and i love it. Anyway we are at 1900 American Dr. down at the resort. American is off boggy ford road when you get to the Y stay right till you come to american turn Left and continue to the club. Plz come out i miss you and want you to be proud of me. Dawn you gave me the courage to do this. Thank You. Well got to run. I love you

September 18th 2004
Hi dawn
Our names are clare, john and paul and we are currently watching your gig in
ritas. We requested here comes the sun and desperado. We are from england
originally and were really impressed with your set. We wish you all the
best in your career and hope to hear you again soon

June 2004
Dawn. I just met you on stage at Lago Music Hall last weekend (6/18/04) You totally blew me away with your awesome guitar leads!! It was such an honor for me to even stand on the same stage as you..much less have the pleasure of getting to meet you!! You played lead while some of us VistaChix reunited again. Of course it was just a free for all jam on stage but I wanted to Thank you so much for making my night. I have heard so many great things about you from all the people in Lago Vista. I still have not had the pleasure of listening to your solo's at Lago Music Hall but have heard from so many people how you move w/ such style and grace and perform like an angel. I hope you will return soon so that I can hear what this whole town is talking about and get a change to talk to you again. I see that you will be there on July 2nd.. I will be at the River that weekend but I am begging you to return again so that I can see you. You are a true inspiration to all musicians!!

Hello Dawn! I just wanted to drop you a line and say how much fun it was to meet you the other night (Friday, June 18), and to thank you for the great jam.Playing with you was such a fun experience, and totally comfortable...it felt *great*, and I wanna do it again! :-) You are a terrific talent, and so very gifted, and I feel privileged to have gotten the chance to jam with you. If you would ever like to get together again, please do let me know! :-)
We hope to be at Lago Down Under for the June 2nd show, and we look forward to seeing you again!
Best wishes...
Cherie Bozoudes :-)
P.S. -- GREAT website!
I sure enjoyed jamming with you Friday night. It was a blast! I was just checking out your web site. Lots of information on there.
I will try to come out on the 2nd. I have some friends coming in from California and that may be the weekend they show. If not – you’ll see me for sure.
Looking forward to it!
Beth Strathman
Just by sheer luck I had the opportunity to enjoy your music this past Saturday. I appreciate music wherever I encounter it, and Saturday I very much appreciated yours.
Here in San Diego we have a few singer/songwriters that are fun to follow. My favorite is Eve Selis.
This is just a small thank you for giving of yourself.
San Diego

June 2004
Hi Dawn,
Hello from Boise, Idaho. My wife and I sat a bar on the Riverwalk and enjoyed your music. The lady that came and chatted with us, told us that no one ever sends you an email, well you've gotten one now! Thanks again for the entertainment, we were just out for a stroll and stopped in when we heard your voice. Take care, Mark Walker
May 2004
HEY! we had a great time also dawn, you are awesome ,

May 2004
Hi Dawn!
My husband and I were in San Antonio a couple of weekends ago (May 1-2) and watched you perform at a restaurant on the Riverwalk (don't remember the name, but it was Saturday May 1).
Anyway, we thought you were really wonderful and enjoyed listening to you so much! You are very talented and we were very impressed with your music as well as singing. I hope that you venture out toward Houston soon as we would love to hear you again around our part of town :)
Summer Darnell
April 28th 2004 at the Texas Bar & Grill - a new fan named Johnny said one of the coolest things. He said quote "You are the Bomb Diggity"! Angela his girlfriend was so sweet.

March 2004
Well, well, will wonders never Caesar.
Being an old navigator on many barefoot cruise, I have on occasion to keep my skill sharp, in spite of GPS. So, in one of those endeavors, I was on the web surfing for dawn and twilight times for a certain area to help me determine when would be a good time to go out and "Shoot" the stars.
Well, lo and behold, if my search engine didn't pop up a result that was vaguely familiar. the name Dawn Maracle.
Who the heck is THAT!.
So I went merrily over that site and found out she was living here in RIVER CITY!.
Whoa Nellie!
And about 40 miles from where I live. I am originally from the Houston - Austin area. My home is here, since 1980. I graduated from the University of Houston, and have extended, post graduate, credit hours / courses from both Texas A&M and UT. So, I emailed her and then came to see her at one of the places she entertains. Then I came to see her family. has a very nice home. Well furnished and arranged. Complete with like a music room for her stuff. What a very VERY SMALL world.
Dawn - May God continue to bless you with your beautiful voice and passion. How lucky we all are to have you in our lives.
Nancy and Jeff

February 2004
I can't believe I stumbled across your webpage!
This link, http://www.dawnmaracle.com/id33.htm holds a picture of me! It blew
my mind!
OK, so who am I? Rick from the Lodge on the Green! Remember Terry Crosson? Haven't seen or heard from him in years either! By the way, I am the dude in the center of the pic, blonde hair, drinking a beer.
A lot has changed since those days.I found your site on accident, I was searching for Painted Post pictures and saw your name pop up. Wild! Well, take care for now. Hope all is well. Take
care. God Bless.

February 2004
Well down on the farm DAWN & THE BOYZ did it again
At the Annual H&T (SKIPPERS) Birthday bash all was well, oops I mean ASTOUNDING.
The music was great as always.
I tell ya, The first time we (H & T ) ever heard Dawn we were hypnotized by the performance so we booked her and the band for a surprise birthday party down on the farm. We hope she had as much fun as the rest of us (about 100 people)
This was such a success that we decided to create the ANNUAL H&T (Shippers) Birthday Bash, with of course DAWN and THE BOYZ as the STAR ATTRACTION.
with the news spreading about the party we had friends flying in from California, Kentucky, Indiana and Iowa as well as many locals (approx 150 people).
Time has come again to plan the ANNUAL bash so we HOPE the our ENTERTAINMENT will be provided by
Thank you,
Terry Isaacks
C.Young & Company, Inc.

January 8,2004
My husband and I had the opportunity to travel to San Antonio, Texas about two weeks before Christmas 2003. As we were walking along the riverwalk one night, we were drawn into an establishment that was playing music. We decided to stop in and listen to the singer and received a wonderful surprise. Dawn was singing and playing the guitar. She has a beautiful voice and is an incredible guitarist! We were both impressed by her musical abilities and our only regret is that we could only stay for 2 hours! We purchased a CD, but would like to get more information on how to purchase additional CDs. We particularly wanted one with her original music on it. We heard the song about going back on a diet and loved it! Could you please send us information on how to obtain addition CD's of her music?
Thank you so much for the wonderful evening. We had a lovely time on our first trip to Texas and Dawn is one of the things that we remember fondly about our trip.
Thanks again.
Carrie and Trent Jones
Salt Lake City, Utah

You probably don't remember us, but we have seen
you play a few times on the River Walk. We were
wondering if you will be playing in San Antonio on
November 1st or November 8th. We will be getting
married on the River Walk on one of those two dates
and would love it if we could see you play again on
our wedding night. Thank you and we look forward to
hearing you play again.
your fans,
Brian and Kim

My wife and I really enjoyed listening to you this past week-end on the River-Walk in San Antonio. The next morning I ask my wife if I had too much to drink or was that lady really that good. She informed me that you really were that good but yes, I did have too much to drink as well. Never ask a question that you really don't want to hear the answer to. We also enjoyed our visit with you during a break. I hope to be able to book you for a company party at some time in the near future. We will watch your schedule and hope to get to hear you play and sing again real soon.
Larry & Sharon Sanderson
San Saba, TX.
"I saw you at T-Bags and Moon River! We just checked into our hotel and were walking along the Riverwalk and I said, Hey I think that's Dawn!" Sure enough!

Wow, that was another knockout show last night. It pained me greatly to have to leave so early.
I suppose you can hold Stacey from Pardners responsible for giving you yet another undying fan. She was relentless in her efforts to get me to come over and hear your performance. I’d always just said to myself, “Hmmm…
another live band at a club in the Austin area. How original.” And if that wasn’t enough, your shows always happened on $1.25 beer night at my usual hangout. That’s a pretty hard thing to give up, you know. But after a while, I acquiesced and finally came over to catch the tail end of one of your performances.When I came in, Stacey was like a kid on Christmas morning who had just gotten this cool new toy and wanted to show it to everyone. She quickly filled out three request slips (of songs you had already done that evening) and went to see if you would play them again just for me. You agreed, and that in itself told me you were a pretty classy person.
You began “Stairway to Heaven,” and from the first downward strum of that guitar and from the first words that came from your mouth, you had me completely under your spell. Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed that another person could pull off Robert Plant with such flawlessly perfect execution. After all, I’m kind of old and set in my ways and have always been a purist, so I even hate it when original artists re-record their own songs.I’ve only seen a few artists who possess the ability to inspire, and even fewer who can capture your heart and transport you to another place and another time. You are just such an artist. To hear you sing and to sit there in stunned disbelief at just how good you are, and then after four hours to realize that your show was not nearly long enough, well, that simply does not happen very often.

Never have I been affected on such a visceral level by a performer as I have been with you. You have this unbelievable stage presence that completely
mesmerizes me, and of course it goes without saying that you're awfully easy on the eyes as well. And when you do that Blues song and come down onto the dancefloor... wow... it carries me away to some dimly-lit, smoke-filled
tavern somewhere in the heart of New Orleans on a hot, sleepy delta night. I'll let you go, and knock 'em dead tonight at Pardners.

Dawn -
Sweetie, thanks so much for the thrill last night at
Canary Hut Pub. I appreciate your belief in me, Kudos.
Not to mention I had a blast!!!
Maybe we'll have to do that again sometime, just let
me know?
You are a rare beauty with awesome talent, was a trill
to join you on your songs as well. I'll make sure to
bring my guitar next time. (Lots-O-Smiles today)
Your Music Bud -

Hi Dawn
I am one of your new fans.Just wanted to let you know that I think that you are "Awesome".
Looking forward to seeing you again.
New Fan Anonymous
Hello Dawn,
It's been some time since I've had the pleasure of seeing you (or hearing you sing). Especially "I've Got The Music In Me" that I so much enjoy your rendition of.
How is your professional world progressing? Please keep me advised on when and where you may be performing around town. I would certainly like to see you.
Hugs, kisses, best wishes and regards,
Eric Key

I don't know... music is an emotion, as you well know, and your music goes right through me emotionally. That's why I say I'm "grooving" right there with ya. Everything you sing about and the feelings behind the songs, well, they make sense to me. I get it.
I thank you for entertaining me and I hope I can show you how good of a friend I want to be for you.
God Bless You and your wonderful self! Your buddie,

"She sings like a Canary. No, a canary would be put to shame." 'James' President of the Cleburne Gypsies 3-28-03
"Your voice is like smooth velvet." When you sing I can hear Angels." 'Chigger' Cleburne Gypsy 3-28-03
Good golly miss Molly! Remember when I told you I listened to Pink's CD
every day? She is now on the back burner! An absolutely terrific CD,Dawn!
Your "Have Guitar Will Travel" studio release thing, that is.
I listen to it every chance I get, which is basically every time I get in
my car, and I turn it way up! Also in my friend's house (Maria's) where she
has an awesome stereo to crank it up to a deafening level. I knew I could see
something in you, not just another pretty face that sings and plays guitar,
but a REALLY talented, "rock this in your face" kind of woman. You are a
powerful entertainer, girl! And more power to you!!! You are a really good friend to
me,Dawn. Thank You!
Your friend,

"You are like a Siren" unknown fan @ the Riverwalk
You are great! I would sit on the wall all night and listen to you but now you are inside and I can't hear you as well. You have so many songs and do them so well. Stairway to heaven is excellent and I can close my eyes and see Patsy when you do her. You bring back so many memories when you do the Beatles and the Stones. What happened to your roady? He would always say hi and sit and talk to me but I haven't seen him in a while. Did he quit or did you fire him? He was always nice to me. We used to talk about Austin and music and the lake and sixth street and how things have changed since I lived there. It made me buy one of your CD's. I'm glad I did. It's great. Will your band be in San Antonio soon? I'll be there. Are you playing any concerts this year? How can I get tickets? I'll see you again if I can. Keep going. Don't ever stop. (anonymous fan San Antonio)
You make me laugh so hard, Miss Dawn! See y'all this weekend. Nancy Lynch
THANKS! You're my inspiration, I hope you don't mind. It just happens sometimes.Thank You my friend
For your Love and compassion

The Riverwalk in San Antonio...up walks a man named Jack...he says " Hey weren't you at T-Bags Wednesday night?" "Yes" I replied. Turns out he was there and then he says " Boy you get around don't cha?" I replied..."Maybe it's you who gets around." Thanks Jack Shanks hope to see you again real soon...Maybe in another State this time LOL!
Par Excellence!!
Kathleen whaley
Patricia & Glen Brown
Little Rock,AR

Dawn, I have spent all afternoon reading all the different links in your website. AMAZING SITE!!!!! I am astonished that we have so much in common. The conversation with God was enlightening. Also, the letter about God being allowed anywhere is so truthful. i am going to forward that letter to people I know. After reading about the sucess of your faith, I felt that you were an answer to my prayers. God knows I have prayed for his will in my life. I want to honor him with the gift he gave me. I want you to know that I feel blessed that God put you in my life. You are an inspiration to me. I do know that Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior. He is my Knight in Shining Armor. As long as he comes first in my life, then I know that he will be blessing me with people like you. So, thank you for taking me under your wing ( so to speak) and showing me the way. Also, the resource center is a great link. . I was so shocked that you suggested that I sing backup for you, I think I didn't really believe it. You just came right out of the blue and said that. i have never had anyone ask me to sing in a band ever. especially for someone as good as you. It is because of your humility and encouraging smile that I feel honored to be asked to sing backup for you. do you know what I mean?? Thank you for hearing me out and will look forward to hearing from you over when we can get together and talk over lunch. Peace sister. Sincerely humbled, Deborah

Reviews from Sonic Garden
My husband and I had the opportunity to travel to San Antonio, Texas about two weeks before Christmas 2003. As we were walking along the riverwalk one night, we were drawn into an establishment that was playing music. We decided to stop in and listen to the singer and received a wonderful surprise. Dawn was singing and playing the guitar. She has a beautiful voice and is an incredible guitarist! We were both impressed by her musical abilities and our only regret is that we could only stay for 2 hours!
Thank you so much for the wonderful evening. We had a lovely time on our first trip to Texas and Dawn is one of the things that we remember fondly about our trip.
Thanks again.
Carrie and Trent Jones
Salt Lake City, Utah
From the effortless manner in which she plays to her flawlessly perfect execution, Dawn Maracle proves night after night that she is indeed a phenomenal performer and an incomparable talent. Her versatility as an artist, musician, and singer/songwriter is breathtaking. The energy level at her shows brings the audience to a fever pitch and then leaves them wanting more, much more. Her play list at a typical show ranges anywhere from the old crying-in-your-beer classic country songs to some of the most in-your-face Rock songs of all history. She does a cover to a Susan Tedeschi song that actually causes women to swoon and grown men to weep. And to balance the old with the new, she always plays a generous amount of her own exceptionally well-written original tunes. The effect she has on an audience is nothing short of miraculous (or is that “maraculous”). When they’re not whooping and hollering, they’re sitting there in stunned disbelief at just how good she is. She possesses this intangible magic that draws people in, captures their souls, and then transports them to another place and another time.

posted: 10/13/06 16:53:26
Dawn Rocks! Her original music is beautiful and she is quite a lyricist! She can channel great musicians like no other. I especially like her covers of Patsy Cline, Janis Joplin and Bonnie Raitt. That list just begins to get at her versatility! See her any chance you get for an evening well spent.